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Combined IsoThermal Bags for Transport of Blood Components

Isothermal bags EMO 02PP, 03PP, 04PP and 06 PP are ideal for the long-distance transport of blood and blood components to and from donation centres, blood banks, hospitals, etc.

They are composed of two elements:
– Expanded polypropylene box (inside)
– Expanded polyethylene bag (outside)

These are highly isothermal materials which guarantee that the temperature stays stable for several hours.

Combined Isothermal Bags for the Transport of Blood Components

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Thermal Insulation Test

Several tests were carried out on the bags, simulating by means of a climate chamber different external temperatures ranging between -12°C and+40°C, with the aim of evaluating the thermal insulation of the container and its ability to maintain the temperature inside stable within the ranges of +2°C – +8°C and +20 °C – +24°C.

In all the conditions simulated, the bags were able to keep the temperature at a stable level for a period of time between 14 and 17 hours.

In charge of the certification of the system (container + temperature stabilizers) was the Laboratory SSCCP, a special body of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan accredited as a certification laboratory (accreditation number SSCCP 0173) by ACCREDIA, the Italian Accreditation Body.